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FAQ 04 Market Demand

Compared to other hybrid systems on the market, how does POWERgrass hybrid grass stand?

In the case of fields in hybrid or mixed synthetic and natural grass, the comparison with POWERgrass is clearly far from the high maintenance costs of past hybrid systems. Looking at them one by one, we can confidently say that no one has the unique combination of the 4 essential characteristics of POWERgrass to ensure a perfect symbiosis between natural grass and synthetic grass which allows POWERgrass to offer a high number of hours of play, a long lifespan, while reducing maintenance costs.

Some use closed or partially biodegradable supports and the roots do not breathe enough because the gas exchange is limited, especially during the initial growth phase. Others cannot fix the fibers to the support so it is not possible to properly clog the growth support by lifting the synthetic fibers on the surface. Others have rigid supports that cause surface hardening. In some, frequent punching with points is discouraged so as not to undo the system. Most of them offer a playable surface as long as the natural grass is in excellent health, but they collapse with the degradation of the natural grass.

POWERgrass has overcome past problems. The comparison with existing hybrid systems is evident even to those who are not competent in the matter. POWERgrass is the only hybrid grass system that offers itself as the best alternative to entirely synthetic grass even in terms of durability and savings on maintenance.

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