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FAQ 08 Water Consumption

How to use water for irrigation? What is the water consumption in POWERgrass compared to other types of grass?

Synthetic field with worn-out fibreSynthetic field with worn-out fibre

Fully synthetic grass has to be watered as soon as the thermometer marks 22 °C, because the surface accumulates excessive heat which causes premature fatigue to the player. At the same time, damp synthetic grass reduces dust, is more pleasant for the game, emits less of the rubber's bad odours and is less abrasive on the player's skin in the event of slips.

In case of extreme heat, use the field after 18:00 because watering synthetic grass as is known only lowers the temperature for about 20 minutes and at the same time offers a "sauna effect" during the water evaporation phase.

Natural grass, on the other hand, keeps the surface cool, offering a better habitat for athletes and spectators without having to resort to daily watering. However, during excessive heat periods (32°C), it is necessary to irrigate every day, but paradoxically rather than soaking, provide just enough to keep the natural grass alive, i.e., maintain no more than 16% humidity in the vegetative substrate. In this way, the lawn can better defend itself from summer heat and recover vegetation when the heat passes. In hotter climates, the selection of heat-resistant grasses such as certain varieties of Poa pratensis or Cynodon dactylon and Paspalum vaginatum provide greater resistance to summer heat.

Using an automatic irrigation system with 24 irrigators, the consumption of an irrigation cycle on natural grass for 7000 square meters is about 24 cubic meters, but the evaporation in the field covered by natural grass is much lower compared to bare ground or a synthetic turf field.

On the other hand, synthetic grass also requires irrigation to lower the temperature and make the surface ideal for the game. In fact, it should be highlighted that the water saving of entirely synthetic grass is quite irrelevant, if not greater because to fulfil the demands of the players, it is necessary to irrigate even more compared to the natural grass field.

In POWERgrass the presence of a non-woven geotextile in the artificial backing offers the possibility of retaining more water in the underlying substrate, so it is possible to irrigate less frequently which further facilitates the development of the root apparatus in depth with consequent water saving.In POWERgrass, the presence of a non-woven geotextile in the artificial backing offers the possibility to retain more water in the underlying substrate. Therefore, it is possible to irrigate less frequently, which further facilitates the development of the root system in depth, resulting in water savings compared to a natural grass field.

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