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FAQ 09 Frost and Heat Resilience

What happens with temperature fluctuations? How does POWERgrass behave in case of frost or heat?

Temperature fluctuations cause serious limitations even to entirely synthetic grass playing fields; For example, those with an organic vegetal infill are even more wary of frost compared to natural grass fields because they retain excess water in the infill material, while rubber ones overheat in summer which is a strong limitation for the field's use during daytime hours.

Rooting control of the hybrid systemRooting control of the hybrid system

POWERgrass better withstands frost compared to natural turf fields because the covering in natural grass and the presence of the non-woven geotextile in the artificial support are "a double blanket" that retains heat in the plant substrate.

When the frost persists, it is possible to see a loss of coloration and a reduction of the grass density but, in spring, the recovery of natural grass is quite quick while the synthetic grass present in POWERgrass remains stable without interrupting the game activity. However, to reduce the frost effect, it is recommended to reduce the moisture in the growth substrate and playing hours when the ground is frozen.

Remember that pre-winter and summer fertilization with potassium is of fundamental importance to achieve green appearance and turf resistant to trampling and environmental stress.

If a heating system is used, it is possible to save significantly on the calories needed to remedy frost because the insulating effect of the non-woven geotextile helps retain heat. Moreover, the electric heating system allows reducing usage to the actual need based on the geographical area with minimal plant maintenance and easy on/off management.

Many believe that the integration of synthetic grass with natural lawn results in an increase in temperature. This happens because some hybrid systems tend to collapse as soon as the thermometer exceeds certain limits, but this occurs if the artificial fibers are laid on the surface or worse if buried in the substrate in large quantities, causing a hardening of the surface and a reduction in air circulation. In POWERgrass, the fibers are upright and represent 1.65% of the surface. Furthermore, we use a very open backing that, together with the gentle cork that increases the porosity of the sandy substrate, provides more air circulation in the growth substrate, greater water retention, and an insulating effect that allows for mitigating temperature fluctuations during the day. Water management through an automatic irrigation system and, possibly, air management through a sub-aeration system allow for balancing air/water/temperature in the growth substrate.

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