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A hybrid system includes a 97% natural grass component that is required to withstand intensive play for approximately 25 hours per week, so the system must have specific characteristics to meet the demands of usability, performance and safety throughout the playing season and reduce maintenance and impact on the environment.

POWERgrass is a hybrid system of natural grass growing inside artificial grass!

The backing and LC-HM technology mattersThe backing and LC-HM technology matters

The POWERgrass hybrid grass system uses a synthetic carpet made of a porous backing suitable for the passage of roots and air but limits sand migration. The hybrid carpet is laid on USGA compliant sandy substrate and once the rolls are sewn together is filled with the same sandy substrate. There is an elastic element of natural origin within the system. The synthetic fibres occupy up to 3% of the surface leaving ample space for natural grass to grow. The standard hybrid carpet comprises 60 mm high to allow 35 of infill before seeding, to interact with the player's studs. The fibres are stitched and fastened with a force of >35 N, to a uniform 3D backing without obstructing its inherent porosity. Once the system has been installed and the natural grass has grown, the synthetic fibres protrude 20 mm into the surface to protect the natural grass crown against intensive use; at the same time the roots are anchored to the porous backing, which offers greater resistance to tearing of the natural grass sods during intensive play. The end result is a playing surface with greater traction, stability and softness. During matches and training sessions there are no divots that require costly repairs, cutting the maintenance budget more than 40%.

The POWERgrass hybrid turf system is the solution against the disadvantages of natural and artificial turf!

POWERgrass combines performace, safety and low maintenance. The POWERgrass hybrid grass system is the ideal playing surface because it offers:

  1. predictable ball bounce for better control of the action because natural grass is dominant for 97% of the surface;
  2. stability of the surface during the player's run to make the action safer and softness in case of a fall that preserves his health;
  3. resistance to player slippage during acceleration and deceleration and greater traction during changes of direction.

No other natural, synthetic or hybrid turf system can offer similar playing characteristics for over 20 hours of play per week on natural grass with regular maintenance but reduced costs equivalent to an synthetic pitch.

The POWERgrass system provides an innovative hybrid pitch that solves the problem of the lack of turf hold of natural grass and the instability of artificial turf. Compared to other hybrid systems, it offers more hours of play on natural grass due to the increased effectiveness of the system.

The POWERgrass hybrid pitch is a modern playing surface that offers the possibility to play and train on the same pitch as the league game. A high performance pitch allows for a more spectacular game because the athletes know they can play on a safe pitch.

Safety and Comfort

All over the world there is a return to natural or hybrid pitches because players prefer to play on natural grass which is cooler and safer. This demand is intended to intercept POWERgrass by offering more hours of play on natural grass with reduced maintenance. A natural grass pitch, if maintained well, is softer and more stable than artificial grass and protects the joints and muscles from injury.

The cooler environment is more comfortable for both players and spectators because it prevents the temperature of the pitch from rising on hot sunny days.

Contributing to the lowering of temperatures in city areas, preserving the safety of the players and providing an pitch for intensive play with low maintenance, is now possible thanks to the POWERgrass hybrid grass system and the selection of grasses that are resistant to environmental stress and intensive play. This is confirmed by the European Seed Association. (Source

These are the features that convinced responsible investors to prefer this innovative system.

Ecological, long-lasting and easy to maintain

POWERgrass is an innovative hybrid grass system designed to create sports pitches in an environmentally friendly way in accordance with the basic principles of the Green Economy.

Growing natural grass contributes to lowering the temperature and sequestering carbon in the soil, promoting a better environment and employment of skilled people. At the end of its life cycle, the system can be reused, even after 20 years, for public green areas, parks and gardens because it is sufficient to remove the sods together with the artificial grass and transplant them to the new site.

In the POWERgrass hybrid grass system, the artificial grass is not exposed to the sun because it is covered by natural grass, so it has an estimated life of more than 20 years. You only need to maintain the natural grass to have a durable and long-lasting pitch.

This is a perfect symbiosis with many mutual advantages: on the one hand, the natural grass protects the synthetic grass from the sun's UV rays and consolidates the infill by forming a single body with its roots. On the other hand, the synthetic fibres protect the crown of the grass seedlings on the surface while the synthetic backing provides an anchorage for the roots that penetrate it in search of water and nutrients.

The POWERgrass system provides a solid surface and drastically limits post-match repairs. Maintenance is simple and requires no special skills. Simply aerate the layer above the backing often, manage the water with automatic irrigation and apply an accurate fertilisation programme following the guidelines of regenerative agriculture. Thanks to the POWERgrass hybrid system, the natural grass is more resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses and easy to maintain, while extraordinary interventions are reduced. The maintenance of the POWERgrass hybrid system is cost-efficient and only requires basic skills and consistency to achieve the desired result.

The POWERgrass hybrid system will deliver savings over 20 years compared to any other type of turf. Investing in POWERgrass today is a responsible and forward-looking choice. In addition to sport, you can hold events or other activities on natural grass without worrying about damage from trampling.

The POWERgrass hybrid turf system "made in Italy

The POWERgrass hybrid grass system is designed for professional players and is the only hybrid system affordable to the general public. The POWERgrass hybrid pitch is developed by experts with rich know-how in natural grass care, artificial turf manufacture and sports pitch construction. The POWERgrass system provides the best habitat for growing natural grass and has proven to be the technological solution that has raised the quality standards by offering a real alternative to fully synthetic turf for sports field construction.

The POWERgrass system has been designed to create a hybrid pitch:

  1. safe to enhance players performance for more spectacular games;
  2. resistant to intensive and long-lasting play;
  3. environmentally friendly and affordable for everyone.

Today, 30 fields installed testify to the validity of the system; it is ideal for playing Football, American Football or Rugby on a truly reinforced turf, making the most of the playing field "without" serious consequences for the turf.

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