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Green Maintenance

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The ecological maintenance method applies the teachings of regenerative agriculture that emulates nature, in turfgrasses and ornamental plants by making limited use of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides. In our studies, it has proven to be the most effective, offering multiple benefits because it makes plants resistant to pathogen attacks and resilient to climate change.

Designed for Green Cities

The Plant Health PyramidThe Plant Health Pyramid

The ecological maintenance method takes a holistic approach to the urban landscape and sports areas because it provides a healthier environment and promotes local skilled employment. The method involves appropriate mechanical operations, the optimisation of mineral nutrients and bio-stimulants and, above all, the reduction of synthetic fertilisers and the elimination of herbicides and pesticides.

1. Balanced nutrition promoting at soil biology

Dr. John Kempf has already demonstrated over the past 12 years in the USA that by caring for plants with balanced nutrition and promoting soil biology it is possible to develop healthy urban ecosystems. The HEALgreen nutrition method emulates nature and boosts the immune system of plants to the point of making them resistant to disease and insects. Within two years of installation, the method develops a circular ecosystem that requires less fertiliser input.

Healthy plants can become completely resistant to disease and insects.

Dr John Kempf

2. Mowing, raking, vertical cutting and scarifying

By mowing frequently on sunny days or by shredding up to 1/3 of the total height of the grass, allowing the clippings to settle on the lawn, almost 25% of the nutrients will return to the natural circulation, also reducing the need for watering. Using battery-powered mowers reduces the noise and pollution of petrol or diesel engines.

The mechanical spring rake (Turf Rake) is primarily designed to lift side growth, remove moss and dead material from the grass, but it does much more. It can also be used to remove broken blades of grass after football matches and to remove field marks left by players. It is proving to be one of the most popular operations among professional groundsmen. 

Vertical cutting with inclined blades performs a vertical pruning action on the grass. This increases the density of the turf and is very important for anyone wanting to develop fine turf.  It produces an upright grass that will be easier and cleaner to cut later. It is a method of mechanically controlling weeds and coarse weeds that lie flat in the lawn.

PLEASE NOTE: The blades should NOT be allowed to come into contact with the ground as this will damage the lawn. If the lawn is uneven, it is advisable to flatten it before using the vertical cut to minimise damage.

The scarifier removes felt, surface debris and dead moss and helps to keep the surface healthy and free from disease by allowing air and water to penetrate the soil surface, using steel blades to cut through the turf and soil down to 5mm. The design of the blades cuts downwards rather than across, causing the grass to be 'pruned', growing extra shoots, producing a thicker, healthier turf for a lusher playing surface. As the scarifying procedure is quite aggressive on the grass, it is important to note that the lawn may initially look damaged and unsightly, however it will do it some good, producing dense and healthy grass growth in about 2-4 weeks. Scarifying produces the best results if the lawn is also deeply aerated to allow better absorption of nutrients, air and water.

3. Aerating the soil

The main limitation of turfgrass cultivation for sports and playing fields is intensive trampling because it compresses the porosity, limiting the exchange of gases between the soil and the air, thus altering the physical properties of the soil.

Aerating the first 4 cm of the surface or loosening the soil deeper ensures the gas exchange (CO2 ⇄ O2) necessary for biological processes.

Well-aerated and well-drained soils provide a better habitat for microorganisms to proliferate and mineralise forms of nutrients inaccessible to plants, both those present in the soil and those supplied by fertilisers, avoiding any risk of leaching into groundwater.

A sustainable method with a positive environmental impact

Care using the HEALgreen method mitigates the impact of construction by keeping natural processes in balance with soil biology and recycling most plant residues.

Ten reasons for using the HEALgreen method can be summarised as follows

  1. to capture fine dust, thereby purifying the air,
  2. sequester carbon from the air while emitting more oxygen,
  3. reduce air temperature through more efficient cooling,
  4. preventing soil corrosion with horizontal water runoff,
  5. prevent groundwater pollution by filtering rainwater,
  6. reduce mosquitoes during the summer months,
  7. reduce the use of fertilisers and eliminate pesticides and herbicides,
  8. reduce the overall cost of healthier city living,
  9. improve aesthetics by influencing the mood and confidence of citizens,
  10. educate citizens to respect green areas and public spaces.

Maintaining all green areas with regenerative agriculture is the only way to fight pollution in our cities. It is everyone's responsibility, and it pays off in health, while offering a prestigious aesthetic appearance.

Give your citizens healthy green areas to play and enjoy, while breathing fresh air by following the HEALgreen holistic maintenance programme with a positive environmental impact.

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