Today, it is possible to quickly find out about the health of the plant through plant sap analysis, which provides information about the actual uptake of nutrients by the plant. This reveals important information about the health of the plant. An optimal and balanced uptake of nutrients has a positive effect on the natural disease resistance of the plant and, for example, on the quality, consistency and shelf life of the fruit.
Enables immediate correction of nutritional excesses or deficiencies
In the past, dry matter analysis has always been used, but in this case, a deficiency in nutrient uptake will only be revealed 4 to 6 weeks after the actual nutrient deficiency has been caused. This is why fertilization adjustments often come too late. By analyzing the sap of the plant, a nutrient deficiency will be revealed within a few days. This is why plant sap analysis is a powerful tool for managing and adjusting fertilization strategies quickly and accurately.
How to perform the analysis
Collect at least 150 g of old leaves and at least 150 g of mature young leaves by 09:00 in the morning and close them. Make sure that they are dry and seal them separately in a transparent bag so that the air is extracted. In the case of herbaceous essences, collect at least 150 g of the aerial part of the plant above the colander. Apply the label with the botanical name of the culture and send it to the laboratory.
How to interpret the results
Depending on the crop, in addition to the absolute value measured, the graph offers three colons with concentration bars for each element. The first column indicates deficiencies, the second is the correct average values and the third is excessive values.
As a general rule, you should always check that the values are in the range of the average column, with the exception of sugars and nitric and ammoniacal nitrogen.
In fact, the greater the amount of sugars present in the plant, the greater the plant's energy reserves. Conversely, an excess of nitric and ammoniacal nitrogen makes plants fragile.
To optimize photosynthesis, all elements must be kept in balance.
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